
Parents Perceived as Primary Early Learning Center

3 min read

You are your child’s best early learning center. Positive experiences from an early age provide your child the best chance of learning. Every day, you can use your child’s experiences to teach them.

Foundation for Learning Early Learning Center

Asking for help from parents is best. Educating your child on the fundamentals at a young age is essential. You, as their Fit Kidz Early Learning Centres, are vital to their growth. You owe it to children and teenagers to teach them strong literacy and numeracy. It is best to have them because they are long-term basics for your child. These core educational ideas will help your child succeed in school and beyond. Once students grasp these core concepts, they’ll be confident learners and presenters who can connect and mix with others.

Learning center – increases competence.

Every decision you make has the potential to impact your child’s social and psychological well-being. Every day you spend with your tiny child, teaching, supporting, and modeling for them is a day in which you strengthen your bond with them even further. If they continue at their current rate, you will reap the benefits while having a good time learning. It is advisable, to begin with, for your youngest child. You must be available to them at all times. Investigating their genuine interest is the most effective strategy. It is your responsibility to ensure the health of your kids. Use digital gadgets and technological advancements to assist your child in their studies while playing educational app games.

What is the need for a center for early childhood education?

Your responsibility as a parent is to act as a mentor and create an environment conducive to learning for your child. You should be conscious of your significance. Mentoring a child through preschool helps them develop early childhood abilities that will be useful later in life. Keep supporting your young child’s pre-literacy and pre-numeracy skills in your home’s initial learning center, which serves as their first learning environment. It is necessary to develop daily training tactics for your child. It’s important to remember that everything children undertake in their early years are an educational opportunity.

When do young infants begin to gain academic skills? How old do they have to be?

This is the period during which your baby’s brain develops at the highest rate. They’re also honing their intellectual abilities in preparation for the future. Fundamental vocabulary and social-behavioral skills are lacking in many kindergarten students. Along with getting along with other pupils, kids should also be able to follow orders and be sociable. Of course, children who fall behind in school may find it challenging to catch up and may find themselves on the outside looking in.

Parent as Early Learning Center

Providing various options and teaching opportunities can help you prepare your child for school as the child’s early learning center. Lessons taught by you give the groundwork for your child’s academic achievement even before they enter a classroom.


Some Reason Why Fortress Learning

3 min read

At Fortress, we take an evidence-based approach to our work and our products. This means that we look at well-tested research to see what the data shows about how people learn, and then we put those findings into practice in our classrooms and our product development. Go to and get to understand more.

After years of testing various approaches, we’ve found that students learn best when engaged in deep thinking and active learning that demands higher-level reasoning skills. We know from brain research that this kind of “flipping” approach – where you watch online lectures at home and do personalized assignment work during class – can rewire student brains for enhanced understanding, even on tests. It’s the reason why our students achieve great results.

In our experience, the most engaging way to achieve this flipped classroom approach is through a blended learning platform – where students can watch lessons online and do assignments at their own pace, but within the structure of a course that gives them support from teachers and fellow students. And we’ve found that the best way for us to provide that kind of structured learning environment is to adapt research-proven teaching methods that we know work: Lecture Hall and Workshop Model classes. This allows teachers and students to focus on what’s essential: using research-based teaching strategies in a supportive class environment. Using Lecture Hall as the core instructional model helps ensure all learners have access to high-quality content, whether in a rural area or one of the world’s largest cities.


We call this blended learning approach Fortress Learning, and more than 1 million students have adopted it in over 50 countries around the globe.

The simple answer is because our evidence-based approach to teaching, learning, and adaptive technology has helped us achieve solid academic achievement for millions of students across the globe.

If you’d like more information about Fortress Learning, download this free white paper on effective blended learning (and see how we’re preparing students for the future).

We also offer several other learning pathways that might be an excellent fit for your needs, including classroom-based options. This means that whether you pre犀利士
fer full-time or part-time learning, traditional classrooms or online lectures, face-to-face support, or online assistance – there’s something for everyone.

In addition, we offer a range of vocational qualifications from entry-level to degrees. And whether you want to study overseas, Fortress gives you all the tools you need for success – including HNDs, which are extremely popular with universities and employers alike.

And if none of that is what you’re looking for? That’s okay too. We offer hundreds of other options, so chances are there’s something that will work for your lifestyle.

You can find many different ways to study with us, but whatever path you choose will help enhance your life skills and employment prospects. So why not just look at our catalog of courses to see what’s right for you?