English proficiency tests are examinations that test your English reading and comprehending skills. It also looks into the grammar and writing capabilities of the examinee. It helps to understand approximately the level of the person’s English skills.
Why is this required?
This is mostly required when a person travels from a native non- English speaking country to a native English speaking country. Mostly the purpose of this travel is for education and sometimes for employment. This is a way for Universities, Colleges, or employers to know that the applicant will understand instructions in English and will be able to conduct daily life with people around him or her who do not speak their native indigenous language. This is sometimes also required for employment in English Medium Schools and colleges, especially if the teacher applying for the job has passed out of a non-English medium College or University.
How to ace these tests?
Other than people who naturally have good linguistic skills, most examinees excel at these tests after hard and smart work and practice.
- Read: Reading is a good habit and good habits always pay off. Reading not only improves interpretation skills, but it also enhances the vocabulary and style of writing. Sometimes if one is well versed with the classics of English storybooks, one may find common passages during the tests
- Mock Tests: Mock tests are extremely important as even good students sometimes perform badly under pressure. Hence, it is to shift the tendency of doing well in an exam by taking the time and writing a good paper to take very less time but giving the right answers. This shift can only be done if it becomes a part of second nature. Moreover, it is often seen that there is a particular topic or side of English grammar or comprehension passage that the student is weak at. It is very important to understand t犀利士
hat particular point and try to rectify it. But in trying to rectify mistakes, one should not forget to practice the already strong points because that is what is naturally good, hence should not be taken for granted. - Conversing in English: Most of the ties show that examinees make English mistakes because they speak wrong English and write exactly what they speak. Thus, it becomes very important to speak and practice spoken English as well. But if there is no one around you who can understand the language, the best alternative is to watch English news channels and hear the correct English form sentences in mind.
Some very common English proficiency tests are Cambridge Young Learners, IELTS, TOEFL. While some of the tests are recognized by the whole world, some are specific to a country or a continent. If the examiner is looking at exploring opportunities to go abroad, he or she should take the tests that are mostly around the world. But if the person is sure that they will go to a particular country, then the test that is accepted most in that country should be preferably taken for the availability of all the options in that country.